Core Five: The Game!
Where's the Line? - Quick Rules!
Players: Up to seven people
Free for All
Large Group - 6 respondents and 1 Arbiter
Small Groups - 3 Respondents and 1 Arbiter & 3 Respondents & 1 Arbiter
Two vs. Two
4 respondents and 2 arbiters
Play Type: 1v1x5 or 2v2
Roles: Resolver, Challenger, Arbiter
Card Types: Debate or Scenario Cards
Player Cards: Challenge, Support, Concession
How To Play:
Game Length: 90 mins or 5 series’ or first to 24pts.
Series ends once every player has been a resolver
2 rounds per match
Free for All (1v1+):
1 resolver. 1 defender. 1 arbiter
1 supporter, 1 supporter, 1 consultant to the arbiter (optional)
Teams (Two vs. Two):
2 arguers. 2 defenders. 2 arbiters (at least 1 arbiter is required to play)
No supporters. No supporters. No consultants
Game Format
Free for All (1.v1+)
Round 1:
Resolver responds to scenario or debate
Arbiter asks if anyone would anyone challenge the resolve statement (only 1 person).
If no:
Points go to the Resolver and the next player takes their turn
If yes:
Challenger argues
Arbiter asks if there will be any requests for support.
If no:
Resolver & Challenger provide 90 second rebuttals to original position
Jump to #6
If yes (and support is accepted by either party):
Supporter(s) make arguments
Arbiter weighs in with feedback and investigative questions for both parties
Up to 2 minutes for all parties to take in feedback and deliberate. Deliberation ends after 2 minutes or when all parties are done.
End of Round 1/Begin Round 2
Round 2:
Resolver closing argument
Challenger closing argument
Arbiter closes the floor and consults with consultant (if one is present) for up to 3 mins.
Arbiter returns and, after providing their reasoning, declares a winner
Points go to the victor and the next player takes their turn
There are no Supporter arguments in round 2. Instead, Supporters deliberate the Arbiter’s Round 1 feedback alongside the Resolver/Challenger at the end of Round 1 in order to prepare for Round 2 arguments.
Teams: Two v. Two
Round 1:
Resolving Team responds to scenario or debate
Challenging Team responds to scenario or debate
Challenging Team’s response must be either a challenge (opposing view) or a concurrence (supporting view with a different means or end)
If the Challenging Team does not respond with a challenge or concurrence, the Resolving Team wins the points.
Resolver & Challenger provide 90 second rebuttals to original positions
Arbiter weighs in with feedback and investigative questions for both parties
Up to 2 minutes for both teams to take in feedback and deliberate. Deliberation ends after 2 minutes or when both parties are done.
End of Round 1/Begin Round 2
Round 2:
Team 1 closing argument
Team 2 closing argument
Arbiters close the floor and deliberate for up to 2 minutes
Arbiters return and, after providing their reasoning, declare a winner
Points go to the winning team and the Teams rotate to begin the second match
If team 1 began Match 1. then team 2 will begin match 2
Don’t forget to give yourself cool team names!